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Memories of Kelley

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Charles Ford (Husband)
Where does one start in talking about the single most important person in one's life?  I am a shy person, and Kelley was the opposite.  Practically from the moment we met, she turned everything in my life upside down.  It was (mostly) glorious.  We got married in 2003 while we were in Sedona, AZ where she was attending a medical conference.  My whole life revolved around her for the last 15 or so years, this will be a difficult transition. 
Semi-Random thoughts & memories:
She loved books, our house was overflowing with them because I am I reader too.  She was constantly driven to learn, her latest major achievement was becoming a certified diabetes educator.  As her friends in the medical field know, that is no easy task.  
She loved eating at good restaurants, she was very excited to be coming back home to visit, so we could eat out at all her favorites like Kobe, Abuelos, On the Border, Scotch & Sirloin, maybe even Chester's Chop House (extra super deluxe fancy place.)
Kel collected stickers.  Little stickers that come in sheets, like little jewels, flowers, butterflies, sea creatures, pretty much anything you can imagine.  Although most of them never made it out of their packaging, she developed a personal motivation system using some of those.  She kept a calendar/notebook where she would reward herself with a certain sticker for certain things, like seeing the most patients at the clinic that day, or making patient happy, or doing an extra good deed.   This was for all her life activities, not just work related.   With one exception (cactus!), the stickers themselves never seemed to me to match up with whatever they signified - only Kelley understood which sticker meant what.   So as time went on she would have this cool notebook with various colorful stickers on each day in the calendar.   Genius stuff.  
Aside from a couple of favorite older movies, (Ever After, A Few Good Men, Rat Race) she did not care for fiction.  No novels, fictional TV shows, movies.  She said years of studying medical books etc. had made it impossible for her to enjoy reading fiction books for fun, and that carried over into other media.  Just one of her quirks.
What I will miss most is having that intimate relationship with someone who you can share every little thing with, all the absurdities of everyday life.
I'll miss all the little private in-jokes & reliving experiences like...
-The time we were driving slowly down a residential street, and there was a guy standing VERY still out on his front porch.  I had her convinced he was one of those wooden chainsaw carved sculptures that are found around town.  Until he moved. 
-The time she insisted, forcefully, and repeatedly, that there was no Eddie Bauer store on the west side of Wichita.  Like 100% sure.  No chance she could be wrong.  Well she was wrong and I tormented her (lovingly) with that for years.
-Her insistence on mispronouncing the name of the town of Carthage, Missouri as "Cartilage", so often that I started calling it that.
-In the heat of the moment playing the game "Heads Up", her friend Sandy was trying to get her to say the name of that famous traveling basketball team, and she blurted out "The Global Harmtrotters".    Comedy gold.
-The time she came back from Las Vegas where she had been with her mom, and sheepishly confessed she had gotten my initials tattooed on her upper arm.  Then showed it to me.  I was flabbergasted, then eventually came to be OK with the idea.  Turns out the whole thing was a con job.   Tattoo was temporary.  They got me good!   
I loved Kel, she was at the center of my life, and still is even though she is gone.  I miss you babe.



Yvonne Sands - Sako (Friend)

I met Kelley in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, where we were doing locums work.  We became fast friends and soon we were saving one another seats at work so that we could share our experiences of the day and consult one another for challenging cases.  

She spent any spare moment journaling thoughts and devotion or telling me about her husband Charles.  She felt so lucky to have found him in this lifetime.

Yes her laugh was very entertaining and it was fun to see what might elicit that laugh.  We continued to discuss our "patient of the day" a few times a week until she left this earth.  She is already greatly missed!



Tom Williams (Brother)

Kelley was passionate about our Lord and Savior. She always talked about putting him first. In my life, I didnt always do that but she and I had many talks and she along with a gentleman named Gene that was a step grandfather to my wife pushed me to be the person I am today. It wasnt that they pushed me as.much as showed me the way. Their passion in trusting the Lord was second to none in my world. Kelley I am sure would be proud of me for becoming a Christ follower.


My sister reminded me of my father, they were to themselves but would help anyone in need. Their passion for giving to others is something Ted passed on through me but I remember Kelley as a giver.


Kelley as a sister was not always easy to get along with. She stood firm in her thinking and was as.subborn as they come. She told you like it was and in all reality wanted only the best for you. Not sure what damage we could have done together if she just listened to me more lol.


Of course the memories are to many to list from teaching me the wrong way to do things growing up lol, to the becoming trusting in all things the Lord can give us. She will forever be in my thoughts and I am greatful for those she brought into my life.


Her Son Zac has many traits of his mother. He is a free spirit that can just get up and leave without worries. He is passionate and stubborn. I am as well so that is a struggle we have. He loved his mother. He is a Blessing in my life.


Her Husband Charles is an amazing man. I remember having talks about him before he decided to marry her. He didnt know me but I might of told him to run lol, just kidding. Charles has become a brother like no other. He is a great person inside and out. He will keep Kelley's spirit alive through his life.


Kelley, your will be missed but not forgotten. Your humor was on it's own level and your spirit was one everyone should follow. I am grateful you had the Lord in you and we will meet again. GOD Bless all that knew her.



Melissa Smith (Friend)

I had the pleasure of meeting Kelley a year and a half ago when she came to work at Northeastern's Urgent Care. Kelley shared a desk with me, so we quickly became friends. Kelley was open with her faith and a spiritual support for me. She often offered to pray for her patients and other staff. Kelley was quirky, light hearted and funny. She had a laugh that lit up our department.


Kelley was diligent in her studies. When she decided to get her Diabetic certification she studied for about 2 months straight. I was so happy when she passed her test, not only for her, but that she would finally talk to me again at work!


Kelley loved her little dog Henry, whom I had the pleasure of caring for recently after she passed, and I could see why. He is just as loving as she was. Kelley would be happy to know that Zac will be caring for Henry from here on out. Hopefully Henry brings as much joy to him, as he did for her.


Kelley's passing was sudden and unexpected. It has left us with a hole in our hearts. Kelley was a good Provider and Friend and she will be missed greatly by all of us in the Urgent Care!



Noreen Frieling (Friend)

Just came home from our memorial / dinner gathering at Northeastern for Kelley. She would have loved it !! Flowers on the tables and a lot of Happy garden food. Lots of folks said wonderful things about Kelley.....which is not a hard thing to do.


We wished we'd had a recording of Kelley's chuckle laugh, we used to hear that laugh out in the waiting room and all down the hall...really miss her individual laugh. I handed out some of Kelley's left over dog treats and extra dog toys...folks were very happy to get them.


We are going to put a 8x10 picture of Kelley up on the wall in Urgent Care, above where she used to sit. Some days that will be hard to look at but it will be comforting on other days. We miss Kelley greatly and think of Charles, Zach, and little Henry many times during the day. Love to you all.....Noreen


Special notes of thanks from Charles:
I knew Kelley really liked her job in Susanville, but was unprepared for the depth of support and compassion Zac and I got from her co-workers there.  We are so very appreciative of Erica, Noreen, Melissa, Todd, Cheryl, Meghan, and anybody else that I may have forgotten, for your help. 
Also a shout-out to Kelley's friend Yvonne, who was a big help to her the last couple of years, and our Wichita friends Dave & Sandy, who have been there for me.  I am also fortunate to have some online (but very real) friends that are helping me through this.  
I'd like to thank my remarkable brother in-law Tom, Kelley's mom Connie, and the rest of Kelley's family in Belleville for being so supportive.
Most of all I'd like to thank my stepson Zac.  Minutes after getting a phone call giving him the most terrible news of his life, he was volunteering to go with me to California to handle things.  Which he did.  I don't see how I could have got through it without him being there.  He majorly stepped up in the midst of heartache and crisis.  Thanks man.


Jaynette Miller (Friend)

Dear Friend,  I just found out yesterday you went home to be with the Lord in June. Although I know I will see you again, I'm so sad right now. I will miss your friendship. Thank you for all your support and fun as we worked together at Hunter. Even though we didn't talk often in the past few years. When we talked, we easily could catch up on our lives. You were someone I could share my faith with. I know how much you love Jesus. We could share about family ,work and concerns. I will miss your laugh.


Love you friend. See you in heaven.say hello to my Dear Husband Dan for me.




Dave Allen (Friend)

I'll always remember how much she liked winning playing Wahoo.



Dronda Frydendall

Kelley was always letting us know just how it was!! She played on Larry’s softball team in high school!! Our thoughts and prayers are with al of you!!! Rest In Peace, Kelley!!!️️️


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